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Monday, June 27, 2016

First Contest Q & A

The Blessing Inc. Reintegration Home

This is the very first contest we held on our Facebook Page. We asked the following questions to our followers. We had a short list of responses so we decided to make them all winners. Also they all had great answers. Do you feel Reintegration back into society is important? Why? Why not?

First Place Winner. 

 Arisbe China Saiz- Yes it is very important. Coming out of jail or prison with no direction or support will lead you down the same path you were before. However, when you truly desire change & have the support & direction you need you can accomplish anything even as a Felon. Reintegration helps in so many ways with so many different programs and options to become a productive member of society. I can testify to that. Having that extra support, encouragement, plan, help & direction from God first and foremost, a halfway house, counseling, transitional programs, 12 step programs, School & so many others will lead you in a path to success. The key to reintegration & having a successful life as a productive member of society is to put God first, make the choice to change & follow a plan with the help of all these resources & programs available. I have been sober from drugs & out of jail for 6 years & counting, regained my children, own a home, worked for the City & now the State, got a Certificate in General Business and I am happily married all thanks to My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the 28 day Detox program in jail, Church drug & alcohol ministry & volunteering, Barret House Foundation, NA / AA, Counseling, my P.O my Family and so many others that helped me & encouraged me all the way through. God bless you all! Anything is possible with God!  April 8 at 6:20pm

2nd Place winner

Hope Tellez-Awesome topic... Reintegration back into society is very important... It helps ex offenders to have a game plan... Goals.... hopes... To gain confidence in themselves and states system that we can restore our lives back . and continue in right direction... It's overwhelming walking out them doors.... Knowing you have to work double time on picking up the pieces.... Of our shattered lives... One piece at a time... Half way homes and treatment homes are assets... Walking out no money.. No job... But knowing you have a place to lay your head is a great relief.... Of worries... So we are able to focus on other priority's... Probation.. Meetings...sobriety Transportation.. Clothing... Having a mentor is great... One to hold u accountable.. To strive putting your life back together... Incarceration can cripple us as members in society... But with determination .. not be a statistic... Only successful embracing the prison experience.. Navigating the system.. Utilizing all the resources .... And get to the top off this mountain... After that it's down hill... Easy like pie... Never lose Hope ...yes there are second chances to make a difference.. and never return to Exile... April 9 at 6:30am

3rd place winner.

Jessica Wilson- I think it's very important. If I didn't have the help of the half way house I was released to. I honestly don't think I would be where i am today. Every day I fight the struggle of trials and tribulations. And by the grace of God he blessed me with the 2nd chance at life. Helped me on the path that I am on now. The place I went helped me get used to what we call normal life. Never would I thought 9 10 years ago i would be alive and sober with a job. But I can say everyone I've met in jail/prison on the streets. The half way house programs. Wherever. You all were meant to cross my path to help me grow In one way or another. Help goes along ways. April 7 at 7:20

Winner for participation.

Ana Rascon-Yes because when we get out of jail/prison we don't know nothing other than what we were doing before we went in n a lot of us go right back to what we were doing before we got caught up n sometimes the results are not so good. We either land up back in jail/prison with worse charges than we started out with or we end up dead. Reintegration on the other hand helps u get back into the groove of living a normal life!  April 7 at 6:50pm

Winner for participation.

Elizabeth Martinez-Yes it is important because many people become so institutionalized that they forget how to act in everyday situations. For many people myself included go to the store for the first time and a wave of panic sets in because they aren't used to being around such large crowds. Reintegration helps those who have become institutionalized to become active productive members of society again and gives them the opportunity to change mind set and helps them change the way the were living their lives previously so to not land them in that predicament that the originally went to jail or prison before. April 7 at 7:19pm

Winner for participation.

Sarah E Garcia -Yes because you face many obstacles such as : regaining your families trust and relationships, finding a job, getting custody of children, discrimination, addiction, learning to live differently than what you've know all your life Change is hard and with out help all that happens is you return to your old ways and end up back in prison, society labels you and it is difficult for you to get the help you need with a record. April 7 at 7:30 pm